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In-House Asset Importer

Description :

This tool is an In-House assets manager tool which is created to reduce time cost when we wanted to integrate new asset into project.

Features :

  1. Folder creation

  2. Environment static mesh Importer

  3. Character skinned mesh Importer

  4. Character Animation Importer

The Advantages of using this tool :

Time usage reduction : 

We can reduce time usage when you have to create folder structure for your project


Also, decrease assets integration time by single click generate button. All files will automatically generate and put it in the right folder.

Consistency : 

This tool help game artist to reduce human error from manually folder creation or integrate assets manually.

No worries about naming convention: 

This tools will automatically generate folder and prefab name and all assets consistency. 

Batch Environment static mesh Asset Importer:

Setup selected environment fbx to all environment assets with single click.

  1. Generate prefabs and automatically setup data

  2. Generate materials and assign to prefab automatically

Path to generate


Batch Character skinned mesh Asset Importer:

Use with character skinned mesh. Generate and setup these files in single click.

  1. Generate character skinned mesh prefab

  2. Generate materials and assign to prefab automatically

  3. Generateavatar source

  4. Generate avatar mask

Path to generate


Batch Character animation Asset Importer:

Setup selected animation fbx files and generate animation clip within single click.

  1. Setup fbx file and animation clip

  2. Generate animation clip

  3. Assign avatar mask into clip

Path to generate


Batch Folder creation:

Automatically generate folder based on our folder pipeline.


Generate environment folder

Generate character folder


Batch move project files:

Move files into another folder more faster way than move file manually.

Batch Move file.gif

Tools used

Tool Creation




C# (Tools creation, Custom Editor)

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